Taliyah: The Stoneweaver

Taliyah: The Stoneweaver


Taliyah is a mage champion known for her dark magic abilities. Her kit revolves around her ability to manipulate and control spheres, which she can use to deal damage or stun opponents. Her ultimate, Unleashed Power, also deals massive amounts of damage to a single target, making her a potent pick in the hands of skilled players.

What sets Taliyah apart from other champions?

Taliyah is a mage champion with a unique kit focused on mobility and zone control. Her abilities allow her to manipulate the battlefield by creating walls and displacing opponents. Her ultimate, Weaver’s Wall, also allows her to create a massive wall that can block off pathways or divide enemy teams, making her a potent pick in coordinated play.


League of Legends features a diverse lineup of champions with unique backstories, abilities, and gameplay mechanics. Exploring these champions and their characteristics can provide players with a deeper understanding of the game and its competitive scene. From the brute strength of Garen to the dark magic of Syndra, there is a champion for every playstyle and preference.
